Monday, December 6, 2010

Dioramas - from Pirates to Kittens!

November's at home project was to create a diorama from information read in a non-fiction book. Each student chose his or her topic, read a book, and created a diorama using materials from home. This project reflects each child's interest and best work. Some of the topics chosen were:

 American Indians



tiger fish,




The White House,


and amazing baseball stories.
 After we heard from our classmates, we walked around and looked more closely at everyone's hard work. We also enjoyed a brownie treat!

In Social Studies we are almost finished our unit on American Indians. As an ending class project we are creating four Jeopardy games. We are working in groups to prepare questions and answers. We will play each other's game in Technology class.

Stay tuned for a Reader's Theater version of How Coyote Brought Fire to the People. 
I apologize for not getting photos of everyone in this blog. Thank you for sharing your children with me!