Current Projects

Poetry Anthology
& Poetry Slam
March 23, 2011

Third graders are celebrating their love of language as we delve into our current study of poetry. We are reading poems by some of our favorite poets such as Stevenson, Prelutsky, Nash, and Frost. We are practicing the craft of writing poetry in various styles: haiku, cinquain, couplets, and free verse. As the children read and share verses by their beloved poets, as well as their own poems, they will develop a deeper understanding and appreciation for language that is arranged for its meaning, sound, and rhythm. 

For our Poetry Anthology and Poetry Slam third graders will collect 3-5 poems written by one poet. Each poem should be neatly written or typed on one page with a colorful illustration or border that represents the poem’s mood or meaning. The last page should include one original poem written by the student in the style of his/her choice. All the pages should be bound together with a report cover that is either purchased or handmade.

Third graders are responsible for memorizing one of the poems in their anthology. If anyone is interested in memorizing one of his/her own poems, the poem must be checked over by me by March 15. The poem that is being memorized will be presented during our Poetry Slam at 8:30 am. on March 23. Parents are invited to attend and/or are warmly invited to share a poem of their liking at the Poetry Slam.
Name: _______________________                                       Date: __________________
Student work: Detach and return this part of the paper with your anthology on March 23.
  1. List an example of:
    • Alliteration: _________________________________________________

    • Onomatopoeia: ________________________________________________

    • Rhyming: ___________________________________________________

    • Simile: _____________________________________________________

    • Metaphor: ___________________________________________________

    • Personification: ______________________________________________

  1. Pick one poem. Highlight your favorite part of the poem in yellow. Why did you choose this part as your favorite part? __________________________________

  1. Describe similarities in writers’ craft (not content) between any two of the poems in your anthology. __________________________________________________