We had a seriously unexpected arrival in our classroom today -- 5 day-old chicks! We were anticipating their arrival on April 4th but apparently the postal service and the chicken farm in Texas had other ideas so they arrived in the midst of writing this morning.
In our state of shock and with help from Tr. Sharon and Mr. Ken plus a run to the pet store in Newtown Square, we managed to gather up all of the proper supplies. The chicks arrived before their supplies did! So, now our chicks are all situated in a box with a heat lamp, food, sugar water, and bedding.
We made sure to make them feel right at home. Cole and Andrew read aloud some poems; Devin treated the chicks to a private reading of
Harry Potter and taught them to count to 100; Mekkhi, Lara, and Armina constructed a block building for the chicks to explore.
The chicks are so cute; we cannot wait to touch them! Tomorrow we will meet our new guests properly. We are going to all sit in a circle (verrryyyy quietly and calmly) and put our chicks in the center so that we can pet them and cuddle them. We need to enjoy their baby stage before they go through their dinosaur stage and lose their baby down.
Keep an eye out for more updates on the growth of our chicks!
The chicks being read some poetry. |
That's what they came in! That little box with holes in it.
Devin reading the chicks Harry Potter. |
Cole and Andrew reading poetry for the box of chicks. |
We could NOT stay away! We tried our best to teach them to con
t but it was harder than we expected. |
All situated in their box. |
The girls investigating the chicks, |
Finally getting fed! |
Lara, Armina, & Mekkhi building a fortress for the chicks. |
Seeing how this whole posting thing works -- I think that I am as excited as the kids are to see how the chicks have grown over the weekend!